With WHHI Daily News Anchor: Ally McNair
Board Member Robin Storey is featured on WHHI this January discussing the Great Horned Owls currently nesting in the Hilton Head Island Land Trust's Raptor Cam.
Hilton Head Island Land Trust Raptor CAM
The Land Trust's mission is to protect and preserve the natural habitat, wildlife, and land with significant importance on Hilton Head Island. We do work with individuals and corporations that want to donate land with a conservation easement which provides significant tax value. We have been in existence since 1987 and have 5 properties in our protection including the Fort Howell Civil War Fort.
Great Horned Owls are residents of the Hilton Head Island Land Trust Raptor CAM Nest for the 2023-2024 Nesting Season.On January 2, the first egg was laid for this pair of Great Horned Owls and the second egg was laid January 6. Typically there are two owlets but can be up to 5 which would be unusual. This pair were probably the Great Horned owls that visited the nest last nesting season but didn't not produce any eggs. The incubation period is between 28-35 days.
The owlets may climb on a nearby branch at 5 weeks and can fly at about 9-10 weeks.
The female does the majority of all the incubation with the male bringing food to the female.
We have a contest to guess the Date and Time the first Owlet is fully hatched on our website.
Our Lead Sponsor is Russell Patterson Law Firm and corporate sponsors are Hargray and Monster Tree Service. These partnerships are very valuable to us.
We do have costs associated with streaming the CAM worldwide and accept donations at our website, HHILandTrust.org.
Robin Storey, Treasurer
Hilton Head Island Land Trust, Inc.